Review: Sprecher Maibock

In Beer Reviews by Ryan

Sprecher says:

“Pale malt flavors are balanced with a rich hop character and a light fruit bouquet in this seasonal spring lager. Traditional dry-hopping and extended aging give this blonde bock a distinctive flowery aroma and a potent kick.”

Sprecher Maibock
Maibock, 6% ABV

(Editors Note: This review and several of the ones that follow it are part of a stockpile of tasting notes that have been siting in our notebooks for months that we just haven’t had time to get to. Sure, some of these reviews may not be as timely as we had originally hoped but they are still – somewhat – deserving of a spot in the annals of GDB.)

The Sprecher Maibock is the second in a trio of beers from the Glendale, Wisconsin brewery that I stumbled in to. Always a fan of a good Maibock, this was a tough one to pass up. And, spoiler alert, this one may go down as an all-time favorite in the Maibock style.

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The Sprecher Maibock pours out a translucent, yet vibrant orange in color with a huge white frothy head that – as it cascades away – leaves lacy streaking behind. The aromas coming from the glass are unexpected; different even. The first thing that catches my nose is a distinct malty sweetness followed by a subtle hint of orange peel, most likely from the dry hopping.

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The flavors are in line with the aroma – which are just as unexpected. The sweet malts kick in first and seem to flow endlessly across the palate until they’re interrupted by a bright hoppiness that rolls in to a crisp and clean finish.

Either I have made poor Maibock choices in the past or Specher exceeds in brewing the style. because the hoppiness of this beer certainly caught me off guard. The dry hopping and floral hop profile added a fantastic element to this beer, balancing out the delicate sweetness of the malts.

More From GDB:  Review: Sprecher Black Bavarian

Crisp, refreshing, sessionable – just an outright sensational Maibock.

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About the Author



Equal parts beer nerd and policy geek, Ryan is now the curator of the Guys Drinking Beer cellar. The skills he once used to dig through the annals of state government as a political reporter are now put to use offering unique takes on barrel-aged stouts, years-old barleywines and 10 + year verticals.

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