HBD to GDB: Today We Turn Five

In Site News by Karl

Hey, remember when the site looked like this?

Remember when we looked like this?

And we were all excited about Stone finally making their way to Chicago?

And we went all-in on reviews and snapshots of things like the then-still-foreign berliner weiss style, checking out craft beer at Costco and plowing through three-year verticals of Kentucky Bourbon Stout and Old Guardian? All while still standing up for High Life?

So do we, but just barely. It was a while ago, and ever shrinking in the rear-view mirror, but that’s where we started out on April 1st, 2010, and every year since then we ask ourselves why, oh why, did we launch on April Fool’s Day.

So yeah, we turn five years old today. That’s a decent amount of time in internet years, especially for something that doesn’t make us a goshdamned lick of money.

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But we have fun, and we get to talk with fun people, and drink beer with fun people, and drink fun beers (most of the time they’re fun, anyways) and generally have a good time doing it. And we get to talk to you about it all, which is also fun.

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And let’s face it, we’d be taking notes and writing to ourselves anyways, so even after all this time, the core of this site remains the same as it ever was — friends getting together to have some beers, have some good times and maybe learn a thing or two.

Thanks for joining us along the way.

Also, this is the first birthday of the GDB Weekly Email, which thanks to you has grown by nearly 650% since our original month of sending to those who subscribed to posts previously.

As a birthday present to us, you should get on board? You can do so here. You’re the best!

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About the Author



Karl has written about food, travel and beer for Chicago Magazine, Thrillist, Time Out Chicago, AskMen and more. His book, Beer Lovers Chicago, is now available via Amazon and other booksellers. If you're buying, he's likely having a porter or a pale ale.

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