Beer in the Burbs

Beer In The Burbs: Karl’s Piece for Chicago Magazine

In Brewpub Review by Ryan

Karl recently made a jaunt to Chicago’s suburbs to look at some of the best brewpubs you may have never heard of.  You can find his “Beer in the Burbs” article in September’s Chicago Magazine, which is now available on newsstands and online.

Here’s an excerpt:

Chicago’s beer renaissance focuses on city brewers such as Metropolitan, Half Acre, Revolution, and the soon-to-open Haymarket. But standing on the shoulders of Two Brothers and Three Floyds, suburban craftspeople are quietly closing the gap. Here are five operations that keep the burbs hopping.

4. LIMESTONE BREWING COMPANY Bringing some character to an otherwise dreary stretch of Route 59, Limestone has been a beer destination for the southwest suburbs since it opened in December 2009. Running the gamut from a standard golden ale (on hand for those asking, “What’s the most like Miller Lite?”) to obscurities like a beautifully balanced India brown ale and a mellow, roasted, 2.7-percent-alcohol-by-volume “small” stout, Limestone doesn’t dumb down the offerings.

Continue reading Beer In The Burbs…

More From GDB:  Supplement: Chicago Mag’s Best Suburban Microbreweries

Below, Karl expands on his trips to the likes of America’s Historic Roundhouse Brewing, Lunar Brewing and Stockholm’s. Who knew you could find a good tiny brewery in what looks like an old-man bar in Villa Park?

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About the Author



Equal parts beer nerd and policy geek, Ryan is now the curator of the Guys Drinking Beer cellar. The skills he once used to dig through the annals of state government as a political reporter are now put to use offering unique takes on barrel-aged stouts, years-old barleywines and 10 + year verticals.

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